2024 New Student Checklist

Fall 2024 International Student Checklist

Summer 2024 Mighty Banyan Early Scholar Checklist

  • Missing or late documents, incomplete financial aid verification, 逾期注册可能需要你在没有经济援助的情况下支付账单. Please make sure we have all of your required items on time.
  • 任何非英语的项目都需要专业的翻译. 国际大学的成绩单需要逐门课程的证书评估.
  • Academic Calendar (coming soon)


Students Entering Fall 2024



Fall bills will be available on July 1

  • 的 amount of your basic NCF bill – tuition 和 fees, 赌城平台网站房屋, 和膳食计划-将取决于你的学费居住(州外或佛罗里达州), your housing assignment 和 meal plan. NCF is a residential college, 因此,学生预计将住在赌城平台网站里至少两年(除非批准校外)。, 所有的学生都希望通过参与膳食计划一起进餐.
  • 在获得批准的奖学金资助和任何联邦或基于需求的援助申请后, you’re responsible for paying any remaining balance by August 1.
  • Missing or late documents, incomplete financial aid verification, 逾期注册可能需要你在没有经济援助的情况下支付账单. Please make sure we have all of your required items on time.
  • You’re always able to see your financial bill online. Fall bills will be available July 1.

Here are the steps to view 和 pay your bill:

  • 签署 myNCF.
  • Click the Self Service Student tile.
  • Select 查看及缴付帐单.
  • Click Make a Payment (select the payment to be made).

NCF accepts payments online using a credit card or eCheck. 手写支票也可以亲自送到START中心和/或邮寄到:

New College of Florida Finance Office 湾滨道5800号 萨拉索塔, FL 34243

  • 付款计划 赌城平台网站提供付款计划选项,以帮助分散任何学生的财务费用. 参观 Student Accounts 和 Cashier page for more information.
  • Set up Payee Designee NCF sends all financial information to your email on a monthly basis. 以便您的父母/监护人查看您的学生财务报表并付款, you will need to set them up as a payee.
    • 登录 myNCF 门户网站.
    • Click on the Student Self-Service tile.
    • 查看及缴付帐单.
    • Scroll down to the middle of the page, “Do you want Help Paying?”
    • Choose ‘发送 a payer invitation (fill in payee information)
    • 的 payee will receive an email with instructions to complete this sign up.

Contact the 启动中心 (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4635

Required of all regardless of classification

Florida tuition rates require documentation, review, approval

In order to be classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes, 学生或学生的父母/法定监护人必须在学生寻求州内居住身份的学期第一天之前至少连续12个月与佛罗里达州建立真正的住所和法律关系. Florida Statute Section 1009.21 provides information on the criteria required by the State of Florida – Residency Declaration Form

如果您对表格和文件有任何疑问,请致电941-487-5000联系招生办. A missing Florida Residency Declaration, 或者不符合州学费要求的学校将要求我们将学费调整为州外费率.

所有学生都必须提供有关麻疹和风疹免疫的文件, statements regarding vaccination against Hepatitis B 和 Meningitis. 持F-1签证的学生需要提供肺结核检查结果和符合要求的健康保险证明 Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.009.

的 immunization form is required for students to register for housing, 类, Financial 援助 at New College.

Submit to: New College of Florida Counseling & Wellness Center 湾滨道5800号 萨拉索塔, FL 34243传真:941-487-4256或联系咨询和健康:玛格丽特·佩雷塔 (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4254

  • All students are required to apply for housing 和 matching meal plan (住宅生活) via the Housing Registration tile in myNCF (马上)
  • 使用“自助服务学生”贴片注册NCFSafe紧急通知 myNCF 

问题? 联系住房 & 住宅生活 (电子邮件保护) or 941-487- 4507

  • 美国公民, Permanent Resident Aliens, 符合条件的非公民:申请基于需求的援助和联邦学生贷款 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).
  • 如果你从网赌平台网站以外的组织获得奖学金, 请安排将奖学金直接寄到学院地址的经济援助办公室.
  • 财政援助待办事项清单-检查你的财政援助要求,并完成验证和任何其他要求(在7月1日之前).
    • 去 myncf.modernfilmfest.net  并登录您的myNCF应用程序门户,在“经济援助”框中选择“自助学生”, 选择“家庭”,经济援助要求将出现在这里的列表中. Any outst和ing requirements will be listed at the top with the flag “Needed.满足的要求将出现在底部,并标有“完成”的标志。*注意:如果你想借联邦学生贷款,你只需要完成入学咨询要求. You can complete Entrance Counseling online at http://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/
  • View your award: 签署 myNCF 在“经济援助”框中,单击“经济援助”链接. Select the Award Offer link at the top of the screen.
  • Florida resident HS students: submit your Florida Financial 援助 Application (FFAA) by high school graduation. Review your Financial 援助 Award (to accept federal loans, complete Master Promissory Note 和 Entrance Counseling at studentaid.政府

所有学生都必须让他们的学校将所有的正式成绩单直接发送到NCF招生办,从每个高中和大学就读, 包括双录取的大学成绩单和暑期大学课程.

Official Test Scores* —  or 行为 or 解释水平理论 scores must come directly from the testing agency, 使用代码大学理事会(坐) #5506或美国大学考试计划(行为) #0750或包含在您的正式学校成绩单上.

发送 APIBAICECLEP scores directly from the testing agency to the NCF Registrar.

最终官方成绩单-让你的学校直接从每个学校和学院发送最终成绩单(包括高中毕业日期)到网赌平台网站. *We are unable to accept faxed st和ardized test scores as official.


完成 Quantitative Literacy 和 Reasoning Assessment

  • 定量素养和推理能力评估(QLRA)是对基本定量技能的评估. 它仅用于诊断目的,由20个问题组成,可在线获取.
  • 登录 myNCF 和 paste a link to the QLRA into a new tab on your browser.
  • 联系特拉维斯·李, Director of Quantitative Skills Programs: (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4742 if you have questions.

如果你计划参加以下任何一门课程,完成课程安排考试: Precalculus, French, Spanish, Chinese.

  • 数学分班评估适用于所有计划学习微积分课程的学生. 分数低于50%的学生在尝试微积分I之前应该先学习科学数学入门(微积分预科). 联系特拉维斯·李 (电子邮件保护) 或者帕特·麦克唐纳 (电子邮件保护)

如果您寻求任何残疾住宿(学习,宿舍,膳食计划),请填写一份 New Student Request form 和 consult with the Accessible Learning Center (before July 1)

  • All students are required to register for 取向 (prior to July 1) 和 encouraged to register for an optional 欢迎周三 会话.
  • 的 启动中心 工作人员将在周三的迎新活动和迎新活动中协助处理与付款和退款相关的表格, as well as privacy release, 身份证, 还有停车许可证.
  • Approve access to your educational records – FERPA Consent to Disclosure form (highly recommended)

All students are required  to complete the 关注2 Career Assessment

职业探索和准备将是你大学新经历的重要方面. 您需要在第一年单独与您指定的职业教练会面,以进行职业探索. To prepare for your career exploration appointment, take the comprehensive career assessment, 关注2, to explore your interests, possible AOCs (majors), 职业选择. 你指派的职业教练会在你的第一次约会中检查你的焦点2. 要访问关注2,请单击“注册”,填写您的个人资料,并使用访问代码ncf.

职业接触 & 机会(CEO) (电子邮件保护) or 941-487-5002.

Complete an NCF Athletic Participation Medical Clearance Packet.

Aug 18-21: Move In 和 取向

Aug 22-23: Mini Classes

Aug 26: First Day of Classes